LeftTimes Top Links - July 2022
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LeftTimes Top Links - July 2022
Book Review: The Internationalists - Another ACX book review discussing the impact and outcomes of the ‘Peace Pact' and how it changed norms around peace, national sovereignty, and justification for war in the 21st century.
Why so Many Children of Immigrants Rise to the Top - NYT shares a rich data long-term data set and offers a few intriguing explanations for 2nd generation class mobility: education and willingness to be regionally mobile. Related from the NYT: Vast New Study Shows a Key to Reducing Poverty: More Friendships Between Rich and Poor
Education Doesn’t Work 2.0 [for closing outcome gaps] - Freddie DeBoer discusses the discouraging literature around education and how remarkably little various interventions seem to accomplish in relative gains (absolute gains is another story).
Chileans Revolted Against Their Constitution. Americans Should Too - Oren Schweitzer in Jacobin describes the struggle in Chile to overturn an undemocratic system and how those lessons apply to the USA.
Toxic Algal Blooms Are Driving Up Water Costs in the Great Lakes - unexpected effects of climate change and how they increase costs of fundamental resources
13 Maps to Better Understand History - stellar Twitter thread with detailed maps that really illuminate different parts of history. A must explore!

5 Things to Know About Europe’s Scorching Heat Wave - Visual Capitalist and the extreme temperatures this summer.

Prices of New Houses Plunge, Sales Crater to Lockdown Level, Inventories Pile up to Highest Since 2008 - Wolf Richter at Wolf Street breaks down the rapid changes in the US housing market.

China’s Major Tax Problem - Economics Explained covers some of the challenges with the Chinese economy. Be sure to check out their other videos!

That’s it now folks, enjoy!
- Yoshi

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