LeftTimes Top Links - August 2022
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LeftTimes Top Links - August 2022
Biden’s New Africa Strategy is Short-Sighted and Stale - Using military options when political and economic solutions are required.
The Uphill Battle Women Still Face in High Finance - Guest blog post by Benn Eifert at QVR Advisors on Noah Smith’s newsletter describing the myriad of subtle and not-so-subtle ways in which the glass ceiling is enforced among financial gatekeepers in the world.
Inflation - Where Are We Now? - Dean Baker at the Center of Economic Policy Research reviews what the rates hikes are doing to the markets.
The Crypto Geniuses that Vaporized a Trillion Dollars - Jen Wieczner tells the story of the - likely illegal - house of cards that was Arrow Capital.
State Tensions Rise as Water Cuts Deepen on the Colorado River - Arizona, Nevada, and Mexico face further reductions. The severity of the drought in the west is hitting the brink.
Taiwan and the Virtues of Ambiguity - John Feffer and Foreign Policy in Focus on the counterproductive nature of Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan.
Chartbook #145 China on a Tightrope - Adam Tooze with his usual tour-de-charts visualizing the precarious state of the Chinese economy.

How Much of Europe’s Gas Storage is Full - The EU prospects as the winter approaches and no end in sight with the war in the Ukraine.

Ranked - America’s Best States to do Business In

That’s it now folks, enjoy!
- Yoshi

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