LeftTimes Top Links 💎 September 2022
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LeftTimes Top Links - September 2022
Africa’s Century of Growth? - Book review of Morten Jerven’s The Wealth and Poverty of African States by Alden Young in Phenomenal World. The transformation of the African economies, the limits of growth and GDP, and the need for wealth redistribution.
A Farewell to Arms. By Year End Russia Will be Left Almost Without Shells, Artillery, and Armored Vehicles - How sanctions are whittling away at Russia’s ability to replenish it’s military capabilities.
Noema: The Clash of Two Gilded Ages - Yuen Yuen Ang argues that in spite their differences, China and the United States have a lot more in common than people realize - “both are struggling to end the excesses of capitalism.”
Chartbook #154: Who is Going to Vote for Italy’s right-wing Coalition? - The polling data showing the demographics that have shifted to the right and right-wing in Italy: primarily middle-aged people while the young and elderly oppose the new government.
Two Ways to Think About Patagonia’s $3 Billion Climate Donation - All of the company’s shares - except the 2% of voting stock - have been transferred to Holdfast Collective. Found Yvon Chouinard will retain control of both the company and the foundation.
Thoughts on the Origins of Wokeness - Noah Smith reconceptualizes the movement as one of respect redistribution and traces its similarities to the social justice movements of the 90’s, 60’s, and earlier - arguing that social justice as American as apple pie.
Chartbook #152 - The Anti-Inflation Pivot of 2022. How Uncoordinated and Contractionary Monetary and Fiscal Policy Risk A Global Recession - Adam Tooze lays out how the interconnected global economy means that decisions that governments and central banks make in isolation have ripple effects and feedback dynamics with each other.

Where Memes From the Past Decade Came From - TikTok is up, Twitter holding steady, and all the other social media platforms are on the decline.

The Housing Market is Cooling… What’s it Like in Your Area? - Washington Post visualization. The % of houses being sold within 2 weeks are declining rapidly and back to pre-pandemic levels.

No. China is not Going to Collapse… Yet

Charles C. Mann - The Americas Before Columbus and Scientific Wizardry

That’s it now folks, enjoy!
- Yoshi

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